Please provide us with all the requested information to ensure a fast resolution. Without it, we are unable to provide a DEFT reference.
- Please contact support via the chatbot and provide the following information:
- Your full name
- Your postcode
- The rental amount and frequency
- The last three digits of your BSB number
- The chatbot will likely suggest the same article, but you can ignore this.
- Ask the chatbot to "Speak To A Human" and follow the prompts. A support ticket will be created for you.
- A support team member will email you to request a screenshot of the transaction in your bank account.
Once the screenshot has been received, the support team member will verify all the information provided and email you with the DEFT reference.
- Can't Find DEFT Number
- Some smaller banks/ online-only banks (Up! bank, ME bank, BoQ, etc.) do not provide the DEFT reference we generate for your transaction.
- DEFT Verification Failed
- You will know if your verification has failed, as you will receive an error message stating that your DEFT number is not accepted.